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Other Lots in Russia - Before 1700

  • Russia Novy Torg Poludenga 1438 - 1435 R-3 EXTREMELY RARE!

  • Russia Mozhaysk Poludenga with Leopard 1412 - 1423 R-1 EXTRA RARE!

  • Russia Rostov Anonimous Denga with Dancers 1414 - 1420 R-3 RARE!

  • Russia Serpukhov Vladimir The Brave Denga with Head 1393 - 1410 R-3 RARE!

  • Russia Yagoldais Darkness Denga from the New Сatalog 1380 - 1387 EXTRA RARE!

  • Russia Serpukhov Vladimir The Brave Denga with Сentaur Re-Coined 1393 - 1400 R-2 RARE!