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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Romania Geologique & Petrolifere 'Geonafte" Ordinary share of 500 Francs 1920

  • Russia - USSR Peasant Loan 5 Roubles 9 Series 1924 Specimen

  • Romania ‘Emil Costinescu" 100 Shares for 100000 Lei 1942

  • Russia - USSR State Internal Loan of the Second Five-year Plan Bond for 10 Roubles 1936

  • Romania Trassia Siebenbuerger Trasswerke Aktiengesellschat in Dej Share of 1000 Lei 1921

  • Russia - USSR Third State Loan for the Restoration and Development of the National Economy Bond for 100 Roubles 1948