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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Russia - USSR State Loan of the Third Five-year Plan Bond for 100 Roubles 1936

  • Ukraine Neue Bukowinaer Localbahn-Gesellschaft Czernowitz (Cernauti) Prioritäts-Actie 200 Gulden O.W. 1897

  • Russia - USSR Second State Military Loan Bond for 50 Roubles 1943

  • Romania Romana de Radiodifuziune 50 Shares for 25000 Lei 1943

  • Czechoslovakia Vereinigte Wernstädter und Gyorer Textilindustrie-AG Share for 200 Kronen 1917

  • Russia - Central Posledgol Lottery Ticket 2.5 Roubles 1923