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Other Lots in Paper Money - Russia - Private Issues

  • Russia - Ukraine Management of Economic Enterprises of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee 10 - 50 Kopeks - 1 Rouble 1923

  • Russia - South Rostov Board of Teachers of the Real School Mark's Value 10 Kopeks 1918 (ND)

  • Russia - Ukraine Kolomya Сity Government 50 Halerzy 1918

  • Russia - Ukraine Simferopol Crimeapolygraphtrest 50 Roubles 1922

  • Russia - Ukraine Krukovo City Society of Consumers "Blago" Mark for 1 Rouble 1918 (ND)

  • Russia - Ukraine Feodosia Small Trade Loan and Savings Partnership 3 Roubles 1918 Small Stamp