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Other Lots in Paper Money - Russia - Private Issues

  • Russia - Transcaucasia Georgia Kutaisi Check 10000 Roubles 1921

  • Russia - Northwest Archangelsk Union of Cooperatives 50 Roubles 1923

  • Russia - Ukraine Kolomya Сity Government 50 Halerzy 1918

  • Russia - Central Lyubertsy Society of Consumers of the Plant of Harvesting Machines 5 Roubles 1919 (ND)

  • Russia - Far East Sakhalin Regional Executive Committee of the Council of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies Check of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur Branch of the State Bank 100 Roubles 1918 Blank

  • Russia - Ukraine Kasimov city and Zemsky Government 10 Roubles 1918 (ND)