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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Poland Lublin's Portland Cement Factory "Firlej" S.A. Share in value of 50 Zlotych 1925

  • Poland Warsaw Society of Commuter Railways Share in value of 320 Zlotych 1931

  • Romania Banca Moldovei de Jos Actiune Nominativa 500 Lei 1926

  • Romania Kronstadter Papierstoff-fabrik-AG 10 Shares of 30 pengo each 1935

  • Romania Bodenkreditanstalt in Hermannstadt Pfandbrief 200 Kronen 1902

  • Romania La Danubienne Sucriere & Raffinerie SA 7.5% Bon de Casa de 500 Francs 1920