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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Cuba United Railways of the Havana and Regla Warehouse Ltd £100 Ordinary Share 1912

  • Brazil State of Minas Geraes 4.5% Gold Bond for 500 Francs 1910

  • Romania Société d'Éclairage de Clausenbourg & Extensions S.A., Cluj / Bruxelles, Ordinary Share for 250 Francs, 1897, Capital 2,500,000 Frs 1897

  • Romania Société d'Éclairage de Clausenbourg & Extensions S.A., Cluj / Bruxelles, Preffered Share for 250 Francs, 1897, Capital 2.500.000 frs 1897

  • Yugoslavia Prizrenska Banka Share for 100 Dinara Prizren 1931

  • Ukraine Neue Bukowinaer Localbahn 25 Preferred Shares 10000 kronen Czernowitz Cernauti 1909