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Other Lots in Paper Money - Russia - Private Issues

  • Russia - Central Nizhniy Novgorod Provincial Union of Consumer Societies100 Roubles 1922

  • Russia - Far East Chita Advance card of the Far Eastern Mining Cooperative 25 Kopeks 1921 Blank

  • Russia - Far East Chita Advance card of the Far Eastern Mining Cooperative 10 Kopeks 1921 Blank

  • Russia - Ukraine Kyiv Society of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armies General Ivanov 5 Kopecks 1915

  • Russia - Northwest Petrograd Club and Kabare Palas 500 Roubles 1920 (ND)

  • Russia - Far East Chita Advance card of the Far Eastern Mining Cooperative 5 Kopeks 1921