N° 2479 | Germany - Weimar Republic Bielefeld 100 Milliarden Mark 1923 Stoffgeld

2479 - Germany - Weimar Republic Bielefeld 100 Milliarden Mark 1923 Stoffgeld
2479 - Germany - Weimar Republic Bielefeld 100 Milliarden Mark 1923 Stoffgeld
2479 - Germany - Weimar Republic Bielefeld 100 Milliarden Mark 1923 Stoffgeld2479 - Germany - Weimar Republic Bielefeld 100 Milliarden Mark 1923 Stoffgeld


N# Grab.88

GPT Description

Germany - Weimar Republic Bielefeld 100 Milliarden Mark 1923 Stoffgeld is a unique item from the country's history. The Weimar Republic was the democratic government established in Germany after World War I and lasted from 1919 to 1933. This particular piece of Stoffgeld, which translates to "cloth money," was issued in Bielefeld, a city located in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. During the early 1920s, Germany faced hyperinflation, and the value of the German mark rapidly declined. In an attempt to combat the shortage of paper money, alternative forms of currency, such as Stoffgeld, were introduced. Stoffgeld was made from fabric, usually silk or linen, and was printed with denominations to function as a medium of exchange. The 100 Milliarden Mark note was one of the highest denominations issued during this period. It represents the astronomical levels of inflation that Germany experienced at the time. The economic instability and hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic ultimately contributed to social and political unrest, paving the way for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. This particular item, marked with N# Grab.88, may have historical significance or value to collectors interested in German history, currency, or the Weimar Republic era. It serves as a tangible reminder of the economic challenges faced by Germany during that tumultuous period.
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