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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Russia Bond of West-Ural Railway Company for 187 Roubles 50 Kopeks 1912

  • Poland Warsaw Loan Land Credit Society 2640 Zlotych 1936

  • Russia - Poland Warsaw Bond of Der Ivangorod - Dombrowa Railway Company for 625 Roubles 1881

  • Russia Share of Tambov Mining and Metallurgical Company 250 Francs 1899 With 16 Cupons

  • Russia Share of Society of Kerch Metallurgical Plants and Mines 187 Roubles 50 Kopeks 1899 With 10 Cupons

  • Poland Warsaw Loan Wire Drawing Points Nail Works 500 Francs 1899 With 23 Cupons