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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Poland Mala Wis Loan Sugar Factory 15 Zlotych 1927 With 10 Cupons

  • Russia - Ukraine Share of Donetsk Society of Iron and Steel Production for 187 Roubles 50 Kopeks 1911 With 8 Cupons

  • Russia Bond of the Moscow-Kiev Voronezh Railway Company 187 Roubles 50 Kopeks 1914 With 31 Cupons

  • Poland Warsaw Loan Strength and Light Spolka 100 Zlotych 1935 With 27 Cupons

  • Russia Loan Moscow Central Electric Society for 500 Francs 1899 With 16 Cupons

  • Russia Bond of Moscow - Ryazan Railway Company for 100 Roubles 1885 With 15 Cupons