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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Russia Loan of South Russian Dnieper Metallurgical Society 250 Roubles 1900 With 4 Cupons

  • Russia Share of Society of Bryansk Rail-Rolling Iron-Making and Mechanical Plant 100 Rubles 1913 With 7 Cupons

  • Austria Austrian Red Cross Society Share 20 Kronen 1916 With Handstemp of the Czechoslovak Bank / 2 Czechoslovakia Stamps 10 Haleru

  • Serbia Valjevsk Loan District Bank Bond 1000 Dinara 1942 With 15 Cupons

  • Austria Vienna Austrian Boden Credit Anstalt Bond 200 Kronen 1916 With Handstemp of the Czechoslovak Bank

  • Russia Government Loan 1000 Roubles 1915 Specimen