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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Russia 4% Loan of the Moscow-Kievo Voronezh Railway Company 187 Roubles 50 Kopeks 1903 With 10 Coupons

  • Romania Sucrieres & Raffineries en Roumanie 5 % Obligation de 500 Francs 1920

  • Ukraine Neue Bukowinaer Localbahn Czernowitz (Cernauti) 25 ordinary shares 200 gulden each 1897

  • Romania Banca de Industrie si Comert Dobrogean SA Bazargic (Dobrich) Share of 500 Lei 1929

  • Croatia 2 x Blank Checks 1940th Consecutive Numbers

  • Italy Compagnie Generale de Chemins de fer Italiens Action de 250 Francs 1912