N° 2820 | Mexico 5000 Pesos 1989

2820 - Mexico 5000 Pesos 1989
2820 - Mexico 5000 Pesos 1989
2820 - Mexico 5000 Pesos 19892820 - Mexico 5000 Pesos 1989


P# 88c, N# 207969; # KH U 6425528; UNC

GPT Description

The Mexico 5000 Pesos banknote from 1989 is a significant piece of Mexican currency with a rich history. The banknote is denoted by the catalog numbers P# 88c and N# 207969, and features the serial number # KH U 6425528. In mint condition (UNC), this banknote is a prized collector's item. In 1989, Mexico was going through a period of economic and political changes. This banknote reflects the country's historical events and cultural heritage during that time. The design of the banknote likely showcases important figures, landmarks, or symbols that hold significance in Mexican history. Overall, the Mexico 5000 Pesos banknote from 1989 serves as a tangible piece of history, offering insights into the economic landscape and cultural identity of Mexico during that era.
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