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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Romania Dunarea Cherestea SA Comertul si Industria Lemnului 10 Actiuni 5000 Lei Braila 1924

  • Romania Société des Pétroles de Bustenari Action de 500 Francs 1914

  • Romania 4.5% Gold Consolidated Bond Loan for 1200 Francs / 7800 Lei Tranche A 1934

  • Romania Hermannstadter und Kronstadter Allgemeine Sparkasse Sibiu / Brasov Share for 600 Lei 1943

  • Russia Bond of Metal Society of Ural -Volga for 500 Francs 1896

  • Romania Creditul Extern 5 Shares for 2500 Lei Bucharest 1919