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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Romania Tesatoria Romana 10 Shares of 500 lei 1910

  • Russia 4 x Share of Russian Iron & Steelwork & Machine-shop of Bryansk for 100 Roubles 1907

  • Romania Intreprinderile tehnice 'Tiberiu Eremie' 10 Actiuni de 10.000 lei Bucharest 1938

  • Romania 2x Banca Adjudului Actiune de 500 Lei 1st and 2nd Issue Adjud Vrancea 1922

  • Romania Minele de Feldspat si Quartz Teregova SA 10 Actiuni 5.000 Lei 1928

  • Romania Creditul Extern 10 Shares for 5000 Lei Bucharest 1919