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Other Lots in Paper Money - Obligations, Loans & Shares

  • Romania Societatea Comerciala Internationala 10 Shares for 100,000 Lei Bucharest 1945

  • Romania Banca Poporala din Ciacova / Ciacovaer Folksbank Actiune de 200 Lei 1925

  • Romania Emil Costinescu SA Share for 1000 Lei 1940

  • Romania Banca I.D.Oteleanu Braila 5 Shares for 5000 Lei 1926

  • Russia Share of Russian Donetsk Coal and Planting Society for 187.5 Roubles 1898

  • Romania Minele de Feldspat si Quartz Teregova SA 10 Actiuni 5.000 Lei 1928