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Other Lots in Special Literature & Catalogues

  • Russia "Coins of Russia 1700 - 1917" 2015

  • Russia "Catalogue of Old Russian Seals of X - XIII Centuries - Seals of the Grand Dukes of Kiev and Metropolitan Bishops of Rus" 2012 1st Volume

  • Russia - USSR Catalogue "Russian Urban and Regional Heraldry of the 18th - 19th Centuries" 1981

  • Golden Horde "Coins of Khans of Ulus Jochi or Golden Horde with Coins of Various Other Muhammedan Dynasties" 1832 Original Edition signed by Alexei Ilyin

  • Russia "Russian Coins Minted from 1801 to 1904" 1904 Reprint

  • World "Coins of the Modern Era" 1978