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Other Lots in Russia - Before 1700

  • Russia Ryazan Denga Oleg Ivanovich with a Rivet 1388 R-1 EXTRA RARE!

  • Russia Dmitrov Denga Petr Dmitrievich 1402 - 1412 R-4 RARE!

  • Russia Ryazan Denga Rodoslav Olgovich 1405 - 1407 R-2 EXTRA RARE!

  • Russia Dmitry Donskoy Denga with the Name and Patronymic of the Prince 1378 - 1389 R-1 EXTRA RARE!

  • Russia Kievan Rus IX - X Сentury

  • Russia Peter the Great Kopeika RWSSIA 1696 - 1717 RARE!